The dynamics and mechanics of allowing the psyche to be updated. A simple how to guide to be free of suffering and unhappiness.
(By Manfred Luck)

By Conor Hanlon

The following is from Manfred Luck:

I’ve finally reached a place where I’m either confident or arrogant enough to write this, depending on your point of view. I offer it in the hope that it will help relieve human suffering and bring more peace. 

Nothing in what follows is really new or startling. I’ve merely refined and simplified and amalgamated existing truths and modalities. It is however eminently practical and can be used by anyone who wants to be genuinely free of suffering. The only real criteria for success is wanting to be free more than you want your personal story of you to be real. 

The speed with which the programs let go of you depends on whether your love of truth and freedom is greater than your attachment and identification with the energy of the program and the identity it seems to give you and the secret pleasure derived from the negativity of it.

To be free of suffering you basically have to tell the truth about what you really want. The Buddha is reported to have said that desire is the root of all suffering. We should have listened. Or perhaps he should have expanded on that and said that it’s helpful to identify exactly what the desires are. And the deepest desires seem to sit in the unconscious child within and were formed before the age of 6 when we were in a hypnagogic state of downloading from the world around us without the protection of a firewall or anti virus software. 

I’ve found in my work with others and myself that behind every negative emotions and feeling or dysfunctional pattern there exists an unconscious wanting coming from the child inside us that is designed to solve the distress and discomfort of feeling unloved, invalidated, and negatively evaluated for, and to insure that hurt does not happen again. 

Every person that I’ve consulted with is found to be still running on programs and solutions that were formed as a young child that have never been updated but rather pushed deeply into the unconscious; that part of us that we do not wish to be conscious of. 

The job of the ego is to insure survival and on that level pain and hurt are anything but survival and means we were wrong. So it’s solutions is to come up with a desire that makes it right and we find ourselves doing the most extraordinary extreme actions to prove we’re right even when we know consciously that it’s not in our best interests and that we are sabotaging ourselves. 

The conscious mind will tend to modify the effects and expression of that wanting and distort the way it’s perceived so we can function as sophisticated adults to the degree we do. In face the conscious mind usually professes to believe the exact opposite of what is running unconsciously. For example: I want to be enlightened to serve God— I want to be an enlightened powerful ego so that I can’t be hurt again and can serve myself. 

In order to be free of what ails you it is only necessary to clearly identify, acknowledge and own up to that hidden wanting which is usually formed before the age of 6 years old and is usually quire perverse in that in entrenches the negativity and makes us appear to be right. 

Once seen and owned you can ask yourself 3 simple questions. How you answer does not matter; what matters greatly is that you answer honestly from inside you; from the place of your truth.

The questions come from the releasing technique:

Could I let go of wanting that?

Would I be willing to let go of wanting that?


There is another key step which prevents this becoming just another mental exercise: Identify the feeling/emotion that characterises the suffering. This can be a bit tricky. The mind likes to be right and think it knows what’s going on. 

In reality it can’t tell truth from falsehood. If you really knew what the essence of the issue was you wouldn’t still be suffering. Every negative emotion and feeling can have literally thousands of negative beliefs and programs coming out of it so collapsing the feeling rather than going after every program and belief will save a lot of time. 

Here is what I have found to work. You may know better ways. 

Learn how to do self muscle testing….it’s easier than you think and will save you enormous amounts of time spent exploring blind alleys. It’s like learning to ride a bicycle. May take a week or so but once you’ve got it it’s yours for life. Google “Integrity tone scale” Karl Belser and “Map of Consciousness” David Hawkins and familiarise yourself with the scaled. Now you can calibrate where the feeling/ emotion sits on the scale, rather than where your mind says it is. 

Once you have some reality and resonance with the feeling allow yourself to welcome it being there without resistance and say yes to it repeatedly. Just like a computer which makes you click on yes to confirm you want to delete something, the mind is highly resistant to having anything deleted. It’s often necessary to acknowledge how much of your identity comes from the feeling, how deeply you disapprove of the feeling, and all the ways you’ve been compensating, controlling and managing the effects of the feeling, and the attachments you’ve formed with those strategies. Then you can let them go or they let go of you. 

The mere action of witnessing the feeling without trying to get rid of it will cause it to run out. 

The principles of Quantum Mechanics and the Heisenberg Principle underlies this whole process. When consciousness looks at something, that thing changes. Or in different words ‘the truth will set you free’ .

The mere fact that you’re willing to let your consciousness fully engage with the question and tell the truth, instantly changes things. And the greater the clarity and lack of resistance the faster the existing pattern seems to collapse. 

The main requirement for success is to be more aligned with the willingness of the spirit that you are rather than the willfulness of the ego that you have misidentified as.

This would appear to be a good description of the limits of free will. 

Manfred Luck


Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R Hawkins

Releasing Technique Larry Crane

Sedona Method Hale Dwoskin


Before I get started, I must admit- I really can’t stand most people on the internet. I will write this anyway in the hopes I don’t become one of them. 

I was a student of Manfred’s for nearly 2 years. He was a remarkable person- one of the most impressive people I have ever met. How I met this crazy man in Australia is beyond me, but I am forever grateful that I did. I started working with Manfred because I was in a really low spot in my life. I couldn’t get out of my own way. I was a walking superiority complex. Full of resentment, self pity, fear, envy, and self delusions on top of self delusions. I had spent the past few years in and out of therapists offices and other spiritual groups. By all outward appearances people would have said I was doing great, which made my situation seem even more dire and hopeless. The first time I met Manfred, he compared me to a mass murderer (true story). I did not appreciate that, but I couldn’t wait to talk to him again.  

Basically every session we ever had was around one thing- learning how to tell the truth. Learning how to see the essence of things beyond the story the mind likes to make up about them. Learning how to see how addicted I am to the negativity of my life. Learning how to see how much I actually enjoy the negativity and being a victim. I know this may seem ridiculous, but take a look. I would imagine if you are still reading, some part of you knows this is true. Or maybe there is some part of your life that doesn’t improve no matter how hard you “try”.

I will share my experience using the techniques outlined above in the hope it will help you have some resonance with the truth of the programs you may be functioning on. 

Although this manuscript is useful to all, I especially hope it finds those who are completely frustrated with life and themselves. The people who do not understand their own behavior, who find themselves doing the very things they hate, and fail to do that which they set out to. Who have made a mess of life and don’t know where to turn. The point of this blog will be to emphasize the innate power we have to change, and how to find that which you already have. This is written for the people who have tried everything.

It is my experience the most powerful thing anyone can do is tell the Truth. The tricky part is trying to identify what the Truth is. If only it were that easy. “Conor, you have been lying to yourself your entire life, you don’t know what the Truth is”. 

What I find so powerful about this method is it is not about changing behaviors by effort or will power. God knows we have already tried that. This is about collapsing any negative patterns/ programs/ belief structures. From there, the behaviors change themselves. This should excite you. How differently would my life look if I wasn’t carrying around the sad story of my past? What would I be capable of accomplishing if I learned to get out of my own way? What would I have to give up in order to see that possibility?

It is important to remember that the conscious mind typically believes the complete opposite of the subconscious mind. Some examples of this in my own life are:

(conscious belief) I am a good person who wants to help others. 

(unconscious belief) I want to punish the world for me not believing in myself.

(conscious) I want to be successful so I can make a positive impact on others in my community. 

(unconscious) I want to be successful so I can assert my dominance over others and make people jealous of me. 

(conscious) I want to find love and be a great partner for someone

(unconscious) I want to trick someone into thinking I am a good person and that I actually care about someone other than myself.

I hope you can see the humor in that. How can you possibly not laugh at that? The ego is so petty and ridiculous. 

The subconscious is not the world of logic and reason. Choosing to take dominance over others and punish the world is not what I typically would set out to do when I wake up in the morning, but deep down- it was there. No wonder I was suffering in most areas of my life. Other people were my competition and I was out to destroy them, all while pretending to be their best friend or the good guy. 

I do not believe that people consciously choose to be miserable and unhappy. But seems at the end of the day, that is a reality for a lot of people. I have been there myself, more than once. Manfred always said that in order to change, you have to want something more than you want your current situation to be real. If this resonates with you, I am glad you found this work. It has had a positive impact on every single area of my life. 

If you would like to explore this work a little deeper, I encourage you to read Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by Dr. David R. Hawkins.