The Biology of Belief- Epigenetics and the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist whose work bridges the gap between science and spirituality.

Dr Lipton is a professor who, for a lot of his career was teaching the conventional beliefs of biology that life is controlled by our genes. This view of biology makes one a “victim” to their genes. Ex- “X” disease is hereditary in my family, so I am likely to get it also.

In 1982, Dr Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they may be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems.

From here, the study of epigenetics was born. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed the outer layer of the cell was an “organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain.”

Put more simply, epigenetics is the study of how our environment, perceptions, and beliefs (conscious and subconscious) can cause changes that affect the way our genes work.

This science reveals that consciousness is responsible for our life experiences, including our biological functioning.

“We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates, able to create lives overflowing with peace, happiness, and love.”

I have found it useful to accept that everything in my life I have created within my own consciousness.

At first, that was tough to accept because my life was filled with a lot of negativity. How could I create this/ even want this?

Here is where I must tip my cap to the ego. I have learned not to underestimate the ego’s proclivity toward’ s negativity and self-destruction.

This mean’s that the payoff I get from my negative program/ belief system is greater than possibility of being free.

To quote my mentor Manfred Luck “The job of the ego is to ensure survival and on that level pain and hurt are anything but survival and means we were wrong”.

Scientists overwhelmingly agree that roughly 95% of our thoughts are within our subconscious- the part of us that we are unaware of.

And since epigenetics shows us that our thoughts create our reality, then it is true we also have the power to change our bodies physiology with our thoughts.

Our minds create perceptions, and our perceptions result in chemical changes in our bodies that affect our biology.

The first step in achieving a healthy mind, body, and spirit is to become aware of our subconscious programming.

This will be a little tricky- after all, it is not conscious. The sub-conscious is like a ghost of a ghost, we often don’t realize it even exists.

However, life shows us what our programs are.

If there is an area of your life you are not seeing desired results despite proper effort, it is very likely there is some type of sub-conscious thought or belief that is not in alignment with what you consciously desire.

The study of epigenetics opens the door to a paradigm of healing that is virtually limitless.

“Acknowledging the importance of the mind, body, and soul brings us one step closer to creating a more sustainable future based on community and cooperation”.

If you would like to learn more, I can suggest Dr. Lipton’s best selling book “The Biology of Belief” and also to read my first blog “The dynamics and mechanics of allowing the psyche to be updated- A simple how to guide to be free of suffering and unhappiness (written by Manfred Luck)”.

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