Robert F Kennedy & Alan Dershowitz- The Constitutionality of Vaccine Mandates (Absolutely Incredible Conversation)

                This is a July 2020 interview with RFK and Alan Dershowitz. This is not an attempt to persuade one way or the other on vaccine protocol, but rather to showcase 2 of the best in their respective fields have an incredible debate. In a time where misinformation and censorship has run rampant, I found it completely refreshing to hear these two speak candidly and uncensored. This is like the all-star game of for any intelligent conversation.

                Robert F Kennedy Jr is an American environmental lawyer and chairman of the Children’s Health Defense. RFK is the nephew of the late president JFK, and son of U.S. Senator, Bobby Kennedy. His career has been devoted to upholding American democratic values and standing up for “the little guy”. Some of his most notable cases RFK took on one of the largest corporations in the world, Monsanto. RFK “won on all counts” in a $12 Billion settlement against Monsanto for “acting with malice and oppression”. RFK has taken on many other lawsuits advocating for the protecting of waterways, indigenous rights, and renewable energy. If there was ever a guy who stands for American values- it is RFK. He has currently been “cancelled” by the media, labeled an anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist. I will let you decide for yourself.

                Alan Dershowitz is a behemoth in the legal world. He is known as the #1 defense attorney in the US. AD is known for taking on high profile and unpopular cases. He was part of the team that represented OJ Simpson in the notorious murder trial and was also a member of the defense team for Harvey Weinstein and the first impeachment of President Trump. He was a member of the legal defense team for Jeffrey Epstein in 2006. AD taught at Harvard Law School from 1964- 2013. Dershowitz has taken on some of the toughest legal battles over the last 5 decades and has helped to shape current US legal policies.

                 Some of the issues discussed in this conversation:

  • What makes vaccines different than other medically prescribed drugs (in reference to mandates)
  • Current hesitancy towards vaccines (as opposed to previous generations)
  • How the vaccine industry has 0 liability against any adverse effects
  • The dark side of the vaccine manufacturers- How 4 companies who are all “serial felons” produce all the vaccines in our country today
  • The moral role society plays in “returning to normal”
  • Big pharma’s influence on Capitol Hill
  • The spirit of the 1st amendment in regard to this topic

               I enjoyed every second of this conversation. These are 2 people who I regard as behemoths in their industries and true professionals. Each of them has tremendous respect towards one another which makes “debate” even more enjoyable. In the world of censorship and cancel culture, I thank RFK and Alan Dershowitz for having the courage to have this conversation on the world stage. Regardless of your view on the matter, this is a wonderful interview and truly worth your time.

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