Dr. David R Hawkins Map of Consciousness

The Map of Consciousness may be the single most important piece of information I have ever come across.

The scale summarizes the entire human experience in one chart. It details the evolution of mankind from the lowest level of consciousness (shame) all the way to human’s ultimate potential (enlightenment).

Dr. David R. Hawkins was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer.

His life was devoted to the alleviation of human suffering via advanced states of consciousness.

Dr. Hawkins was a teacher of the path to enlightenment.

He was uniquely qualified in that he was able to use his professional background to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

As you will see, each level of consciousness has an associated energy field.

Each level represents it’s own subjective view of God and Life.

In other words, the way I experience the world is based upon my own level of consciousness.

It was reassuring to know that advanced states of consciousness are available to all. It is a birthright of being a child of God/ Spirit of the Universe.

Consciousness does not discriminate. As it turns out, all people are created equal. This may not appear as true to someone at the lower levels (as evidenced by people complaining about X,Y,Z on the evening news).

The premise of using the map is simple. Negativity drains. Positivity uplifts. Positive energy fields are more powerful than negative energy fields.

“It is very important to remember that the calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic, but an logarithmetic, progression. Thus, the level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 300 to the 10th power (10*300). Therefore, an increase in even a few points represent a major advance in power, the rate of increase in power as we move up the scale is therefore enormous”. Power v Force p. 97

If doing the “inner work” is such a thing- the map of consciousness is the road map.

It was a great relief to find this. Very quickly I realized there was no point in doing X,Y,Z if it did not also have a positive impact on consciousness.

Also- once higher level of consciousness has been realized, the outcome in my personal surroundings change automatically.

Ex- A few years ago I was struggling in my career. I wasn’t being challenged and I did not have much ambition to improve my scenario. I was pretty hopeless. It would be appropriate to say I resonated somewhere around the level of Apathy when it came to this area of my life.

I started to work in depth with this Map of Consciousness.

Within the next year I was promoted twice (I did not apply or interview for either position) and my income increased substantially.

In essence- once the level changed, the life experience changed also.

“All levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; in contrast, all levels above 200 are constructive sources of power. The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that divides the general areas of force (or falsehood) from power (or truth). -Power v Force p.97

It is worth noting that as one’s consciousness is raised, there is a positive impact on the brain function physiology.

This can be summarized as the transition from “lower mind” which focuses on self interest and personal gain to ”higher mind” service to a greater contribution of life.

If you are interested in learning about Dr. Hawkins and the Map of Consciousness, you can start with some of his books:

  • The Map of Consciousness Explained
  • Transcending the Levels of Consciousness
  • Power vs Force

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