Ho’oponopono- The Hawaiian Miracle Technique

What if I told you the work of Ho’oponopono cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients? What if I also told you the Doctor who did this never once saw or met any of these patients face to face.

This is a true story.

Ho’oponopono is the work of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

Dr. Hew Len would review each patient record, and then heal his patients by healing himself.

Ho’oponopono starts with taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Yes, that includes other people in your life. What other people say, do, or don’t do- it is all experienced in YOUR life.

But how can I be responsible for what other people say?

It is not so much what they say that is the focus. It is the recognition of what is going on within me that is perceiving ‘X person’ this way.

Everything I experience in the world; I experience within my own mind.

Dr. Hew Len says that everything you experience, is your responsibility to fix- from the inside out.

This means- my next-door neighbor, the economy, the President, are all my responsibility to heal. After all, they all exist, in a manner of speaking, as projections from inside myself.

“The only task in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identities- our Minds- back to their original state of void or zero.” – Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.

So what is the work of Ho’oponopono?

It is very simple- it is merely the saying of these 4 phrases within yourself:

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

Dr Hew Len says that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world.

Ho’oponopono focuses on the 4 principles of repentence, forgiveness, gratitude, and love.

It is based on the logic that what I heal within myself, I heal within others.

When I first heard about this method, I was very interested.

Dr Hew Len believes that within each person’s subconscious there are data points. These data points, for the most part, make up our own life experience.

This just seemed obvious to me.

I’ve always thought there was more at play than meets the eye.

The line between success and failure aren’t just attributed to effort, skill, persistence, etc.

I think those traits are a catalyst for people whose data points (or subconscious programs) are aligned with the goal they are trying to accomplish.

On the other hand, someone whose data points contradict what their conscious goals are, their effort and persistence will be met with resistance and frustration.

Ho’oponopono is a way of erasing past memories and subconscious data points.  

When the mind has returned to zero, one is free to live consciously in the moment without the interference of past memories replaying themselves.

“Peace begins with me”

For more on this method, you can check out Joe Vitale’s book “Zero Limits”.

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