Welcome to My Blog

The purpose of this blog is to share resources I think will bring more meaning and connection to people’s lives. My goal is that what is shared will have the same impact on your life as it has had in mine. I aim to keep this light, focusing on topics involving psychology, impressive people, and stories around the world, and maybe even funny YouTube videos. The inspiration for starting this comes from my the frustration I experienced trying to improve my life, and the lack of quality information I was able to find. Everything I share has been vetted by my personal experience.  

My life has changed tremendously as a result of these practices. I have found the most effective solutions are very simple and available to all. Nothing I share will require anything you don’t already have. I encourage all feedback of any kind.  

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3 years ago

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Kristen Rennie
Kristen Rennie
3 years ago

Con this is awesome! Bring on the funny YouTube videos. The psych stuff sounds real interesting too 🙂