Accumulation of Stress- Consciousness and our Physical Reality

“By far, the most amazing technology is what lives within us all… We all have abilities that are absolutely phenomenal compared to what most of us are actually manifesting”

Marc Newkirk is a prolific inventor who spent 4 decades at the fore front on science and technology. He is named on more than 1,000 US and foreign patents. Newkirk studied at Brown University as a Materials Engineer, and has co-founded half a dozen businesses in the field of advanced materials. His current focus is on the creation of technologies that illustrate the nexus between consciousness and what we perceive to be physical reality. Marc’s life has been devoted to bringing into active use technologies which elevate human consciousness and human potentials.

Marc begins this video by mentioning a new paradigm of science and medicine. This new paradigm has to do with allowing the body to heal itself. Stress, as marc defines, is negative thoughts and experiences not discharged, adopted as part of one’s identity. In other words, negative thoughts/ belief systems that have been suppressed into our subconscious. The accumulation of these negative thoughts and beliefs will influence the individual’s physical reality until they have been discharged. 

“All beings in an unstressed state have an innate self-healing ability that is virtually limitless”.

All disease has a mental component to it, where one level of consciousness is trying to get the attention of another level to resolve the issues. Disease then, is our subconscious trying to get the attention of our rational consciousness to deal with accumulated stress, not part of our natural state and causing disharmony in the physical body. The ability in which we heal is largely related to the accumulation of stress (as defined above).

“The biggest discovery of the past century has been the fundamental discovery, now proven in depth, that thoughts in fact create a field”.

In the 1980’s, the Soviet’s discovered a new field of physics called the Information Field. According to Newkirk, this field does not have any presence in our dimension physically but can create effects in this dimension. It has significant impact on our ability to understand the relationship between consciousness and our physical reality. Scientists are now able to understand the human biofield as this is a field compromised solely of information.

The human biofield is compromised of information fields which are continuously being generated by our consciousness. The most important inputs into this field come from a person’s subconscious. The human biofield is the means of communication between a person’s consciousness and every cell in their body. It turns out, our subconscious thoughts/ belief systems are shaping the physical reality that we live in.

It appears that the human body is extremely resilient in fighting disease. When the body is in an unstressed state, the ability to heal is limitless. Marc describes a new paradigm of science and medicine- the focus on releasing accumulated stress in the body. What we call dis-ease, is actually one level of conscious (subconscious) trying to get the attention of another level (rational) in order to resolve the issue. 

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